Deworming Recommendations for Florida
Deworming schedules greatly vary with location, age of horse, and worm burden. Parasite control measures begin in October each year. Typically in Florida, no parasite control measures are taken during the summer since it is too hot for parasite eggs to survive in the pasture. To start the cycle, all horses should have a fecal analysis to determine if they are low, moderate, or high shedders. A sample strategic deworming schedule follows for an adult horse which is not pregnant:
Low Shedders:
October 1st (fall)
– Fecal analysis
– Administer dewormer which contains praziquantel ( Quest Plus, Zimectrin Gold) to treat for tape worms
January 1st (spring)
– Repeat fecal analysis
– Administer moxidectin
June 1st (late spring)
– Repeat fecal analysis
– If negative fecal, recheck fecal again in fall
* Continue with fecal analysis and deworming schedule to assure horses continue to be low shedders.
Moderate Shedders:
October 1st (fall)
– Fecal analysis
– Administer dewormer which contains praziquantel (Quest Plus, Zimectrin Gold) to treat for tape worms
January 1st (spring)
– Repeat fecal analysis
– Administer moxidectin
June 1st (late spring)
– Repeat fecal analysis
– If negative fecal, recheck fecal again in fall
* Over time, many moderate shedders become low shedders. Continue with three-time yearly fecal analysis.
High Shedders:
October 1st (fall)
– Fecal analysis
– Administer dewormer which contains praziquantel ( Quest Plus, Zimectrin Gold) to treat for tape worms
December 1st (winter)
– Administer oxibendazole
January 1st (spring)
– Repeat fecal analysis
– Administer moxidectin
April 1st
– Administer oxibendazole
June 1st
– Repeat fecal analysis- If negative fecal, recheck fecal again in fall
* In addition, high shedders should have fecal analysis performed 10-14 days after a dewormer has been administered to assess for potential dewormer resistance.
Deworming protocols differ for foals and pregnant mares. Typically foals are dewormed every two months until they are 1 year old. It is recommended that pregnant mares are dewormed as usual, however they need to be dewormed with praziquantel 4-6 weeks prior to foaling.
If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please contact us today.