Equine Wellness: Summer Sores

Equine Wellness: Summer Sores Habronemiasis, more commonly known as summer sores, is a common condition in horses. Summer sores form when larva

Equine Wellness: Summer Sores2024-07-22T01:07:45+00:00

Equine Wellness: Anhidrosis

Equine Wellness: Anhidrosis Summertime has now hit Florida in full force. With our extreme temperatures and humidity, we start to see an

Equine Wellness: Anhidrosis2024-07-22T01:07:01+00:00

Equine Wellness: Laser Therapy

Equine Wellness: Laser Therapy Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission Rays, commonly known as LASER is an important treatment modality used by our

Equine Wellness: Laser Therapy2018-05-24T17:05:37+00:00

Equine Wellness: Shockwave Therapy

Equine Shockwave Therapy Extracorporeal shockwave therapy, better known as simply shockwave, is a therapy used for a variety of orthopedic and soft

Equine Wellness: Shockwave Therapy2018-05-24T20:12:34+00:00

Equine Wellness: Dentistry

Equine Wellness: Dentistry Horses require regular dental care, not only to remove sharp points, but to look for and assess any potential

Equine Wellness: Dentistry2018-03-22T00:11:39+00:00

Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine

Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine Sunny Coast Veterinary is able to provide a veterinary medical service that sets us apart from other providers. Our extensive

Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine2018-03-22T00:12:09+00:00

Regenerative Therapies – IRAP

Regenerative Therapies - IRAP Degenerative joint disease, commonly known as osteoarthritis, is a widespread problem with equine athletes. Degenerative joint disease first

Regenerative Therapies – IRAP2018-03-03T17:53:46+00:00